the fascination and enthusiasm for medical technology.
Our company was founded in Ulm, Germany in 1912 by Heinrich C. Ulrich and has remained a family-owned company to this day. Even today, in fourth generation, the fascination for medical technology as well as our innovative capacity stand in the first place.
We place great value on quality “Made in Germany”. Due to intensive market evaluations within the company as well as together with experts, we receive important input for the needs on the markets.
In the industry we have a reputation as High-Tech Company. The production with our modern machine park takes place at the highest technical level.
We experience daily personal contact with one another, and the same is true for our relationship with our partners and customers.
Flexibility and personal support by competent, responsible staff are top priorities for us. We act quickly and dependably, ask the right questions and provide knowledgeable answers.
![About Images](img/dummies/about.jpg)